How Do I Know If I Need Therapy?

Deciding if we need a therapist is pretty personal. But there are some common signs that might mean therapy could help us. Check ‘em out!

1. Feeling Down a Lot 😢

If we're dealing with a lot of sadness, anxiety, or anger that just won't let up, therapy can be a space to work through those emotions.

2. tough Life Changes 👀

Big life changes, like losing someone, changing jobs, moving to a new place or relationship issues can be really hard. Therapy can have our backs as we make that change.

3. Relationship Struggles 💔

If our relationships with family, friends, or partners are going through a rough patch, a therapist can help us figure things out! Both as an individual and evem with the other person.

4. Not Feeling Great About ourselves 🙀

If we’re stuck in a cycle of feeling ‘not good enough’ or unworthy, therapy can help us build a healthier self-image and show yourself some kindness.

5. Turning to Unhealthy Habits 🚬

If we're using not-so-great coping methods like substance use or self-harm, therapy is a space to understand why and find healthier ways to manage our emotions.

6. Decision-Making Struggles 🧐

Trouble concentrating, making decisions or remembering things? Therapy can help us dig into what might be going on underneath the surface…

7. Mystery Physical Symptoms ✨

Weird physical stuff without a clear medical cause? Could be lumps or bumps, loss of hair - but really anything at all! It might be related to stress or emotional challenges that therapy can help untangle.

8. Feeling Stuck in Life 😩

If we’re feeling like life's on pause and we’re not getting to where or who we want to be, therapy can help identify what's holding us back and how to move forward.

9. Dealing with Trauma 🥺

If we've been through any kind of trauma, whether that’s a divorce, abuse - something that’s lingered and stayed with us, affecting our ability to make the most of the here and now - therapy can provide a safe space to process and heal.

10. Just Wanting to Grow 🌱

Therapy isn't just for problems; it's also great for personal growth and figuring out more about ourselves and our lives!

Remember, we don't have to be in a crisis to give therapy a shot. Lots of folks use it as a way to boost their wellbeing and understand themselves better. If you're unsure, consider chatting with a mental health pro for some advice based on your life situation.

With love, always 😘

George, Founder of How Mental


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