Love-Bombing: what it is and How to Spot the Signs!

What’s ‘Love-bombing’? Oh hun, if you haven’t heard of it yet, it’s the phrase you’ve been looking for your entire dating life!

You know in a romantic relationship, especially in the early stages, when one person is showing INTENSE and overwhelming displays of affection, attention and loving words or gestures to the other? Not your average kind. I mean an excessive outpouring of love, compliments, gifts and overall positive attention. That might be love-bombing!

The love-bomber is aiming to create a strong emotional connection quickly and they may use various tactics to make the other person feel cherished and valued. These tactics can include constant communication, grand gestures and expressions of love that may feel extravagant or too good to be true.

Of course, genuine expressions of affection and love are normal in healthy relationships, but love-bombing can be problematic if it is used manipulatively. In some cases, individuals engage in love-bombing with the intention of gaining control, creating dependency or masking other potentially negative aspects of their personality.

Yes, I know… I hate when it’s too good to be true! So, here are some potential red flags of love-bombing you can spot so you don’t end up taken for a ride:

Overflowing Compliments 🚩

Imagine this: you just met someone, and they're throwing compliments your way like confetti at a party. "Wow, you're amazing," "You're the most incredible person I've ever met." It's nice, but when it feels over-the-top, that might be a love-bombing red flag!

Texts, Calls, and MorRRe! 🚩

Picture this: you exchange numbers, and suddenly, your phone is buzzing non-stop. They're texting, calling, and wanting to spend every waking moment together. It's like they've dialled up the relationship speed to 100 in record time.

the l-word…already?! 🚩

You've just started dating, and they're already dropping the L-word or talking about your future together. It's a bit like hitting the fast lane when you were expecting a leisurely stroll through the relationship mall. Think about it, is it for real?

The Grand Gesture Show 🚩

Let’s imagine you've been on a few dates and, out of the blue, they surprise you with an extravagant gift or plan an over-the-top romantic gesture. It's sweet, but when it feels like you're in a romance movie, it might raise an eyebrow or two!

Declarations on Steroids 🚩

You're still getting to know each other, and suddenly they're professing their undying love, saying you're their soulmate, and planning your wedding. It's like love declarations on steroids, and it can be a bit overwhelming…

Could it be real though?

Of course, it's important to remember that not everyone who moves fast is love-bombing. Sometimes, people just click, and things progress quickly! But if it feels like the relationship is moving at warp speed and you're not comfortable, it's totally okay to hit the brakes, communicate your feelings, and make sure the connection is genuine.

Trust your instincts and take the time you need to navigate the relationship waters. You’ve got this!

I lovvvve you (in a healthy way, promise 😘)


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