
Gather your community behind the Mental Revolution! 🥳

3 Simple Steps

  • 1. Choose Your Mission

    Build your fundraising mission around your passion: Running, baking, even gaming! For inspo, hit the button below 💡

  • 2. Make a Plan

    It’s time to turn your fundraising idea into action! Click the button below to find out how to fundraise as easily as possible :)

  • 3. Start Raising!

    Ready to make your mark? Let us know what you’re up to so we can follow and support you with your raise!

Raise the ROOF on Mental Healthcare Globally 🕺✊🧠

How your money could help!

  • $10: Could subsidise a young person's ticket to attend one of our mental health workshops
  • $20: Could cover the cost of setting up a new mental health community for a school or voluntary organisation within our app, Lifeing
  • $50: Could provide a subsidised therapy session for someone in need
  • $100: Could help us run a workshop empowering Mental Health Leads in schools with the latest resources for them and their communities
  • $250: Could help us develop a new mental health support tool, led by people with lived experience


Fundraise for How Mental today!


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