What does exercise do for our brain?
In general, the world talks a lot about needing to stay fit - but what does that really mean for our mental health? 🤓 I’ve tried every trick in the book to help me with my depression and anxiety: from therapy to medication, mindfulness and meditation. 🧘♀️ But, one thing I’ve found makes a HUGE difference to my mental wellbeing is moving my body!
Before I figured this out I can’t tell you the amount of times I opened up to a friend, family member, or professional about my mental health and was told to ‘GO FoR a WaLk!’ 🙄 It’s such a cop out answer, because it’s not the ultimate solution to everything - but even if it isn’t, I know it does actually help so…why?

I always put the idea of exercising out of my mind. As someone who is chronically attached to my bed, I tend to sit in the depressive and anxious episodes. The idea of getting out of the house and moving sounds AWFUL when I’m in that state! 😷 But one day I decided to give it a go, I download a podcast, put on my comfiest pair of trainers and went for a walk. I didn’t know it then, but this walk would change my life. 🚶
As I walked through a local park I felt my pent-up anxieties fade away. ✨ Thoughts about deadlines, money, and stress about how much work I had to do - all my anxieties about being away from home and in a pretty dark depressive episode started to dissipate. I was taking in the long lush green grass and, with each step, I felt another opportunity to view the challenges in my life from a different angle. To find news forward. With the sun on my back, feeding me energy like the plants I admire, I was slowly but surely feeling waaaaay more positive.
That was over three years ago, and now my daily walk with a good podcast or playlist is KEY to my mental health! But, how does the magic of movement actually work?!
‘Mental health walks’ is now a thing and rightly so! When we move our body we release different hormones and neurotransmitters or ‘chemical messengers’ that help us feel good and can even reduce anxiety! These different neurotransmitters and hormones are super important for our mental health as they actively contribute to the state of our brains. 🧠 The main stars of the show inside our minds are: serotonin, endorphins and endocannabinoids. Think of them as the ‘The Big 3’ of your mental wellbeing. So, Here's your quick summary of what they are and why they're connected to movement! 🏃♀️🏃♂️
#1: Serotonin 🥰
We have allllll heard of serotonin! But what is it? 😅 Serotonin is a neurotransmitter found in our blood, digestive system, and most importantly - our brains! These chemical messengers send signals between our nerve cells like ‘I love me!’ and ‘Let’s digest some food!’ that encourage us to do all the things we need to do. These feel-good messages get released when we move and shipped around all the little parts of us! So when you walk, run, swim or do any sort of physical movement it’s like your sending feel-good texts from your brain. Cute! 🏃♂️
#2 Endorphins 🐬
If you love exercising and movement you’ve probably heard about the benefits of endorphins - and no, they’re not miniature dolphins that live inside our bodies - that’s just how I remember them! 😇 So, how do they work? When we do something physical, our brains bumps up the production of these super happy dolphins positive endorphins! 🌊 These act on opiate receptors that help us soothe our pains and promote feelings of pleasure. Win-win if you ask me! So, next time you’re feeling good after moving, say thank you to your mini dolphins 😉
#3 Endocannabinoids 🌿
Last up of The Big 3, we have endocannabinoids! These are the secret behind the so-called “Runner’s High”! 🏃♂️ Not as well known as serotonin and endorphins, endocannabinoids are hidden naturally occurring, lipid-based neurotransmitters. Oh yeah, we can get science-y when we want to! 🧑🔬 Endocannabinoids help us balance various bodily functions, such as sleep, memory and most importantly - our mood! Have you ever moved your body or exercised, then felt this HUGE sense of euphoric happiness? That’s all because of endocannabinoids! 😍😍😍

Reflecting on ‘the big 3’!
So, now you know the neurotransmitters that make the biggest difference to our brains when it comes to movement! So let’s get moving :D whether we pick up a new sport like cold water swimming or badminton, join a gym with friends or even just do some ‘stepercise’ while watching TV or YouTube! It doesn’t have to be anything crazy, just do whatever you can manage. Something is ALWAYS better than nothing! This week I’m going to carry on with my daily mental health walks, but each day I’m going to meet with a friend or family member and talk about my mental health with them so I get the double whammy of support 🙌
If you’re struggling with anything to do with your mental health, How Mental has got soooooo many resources to help you love your mind. We’re all in this together, and we can create a bigger, better and brighter future!
With love, always ❤️