11 Tricks Social Media Plays on Your Mind

We all love how social media helps us connect, share information and access entertainment - but the way it’s set up can do really hurtful things to our hearts and minds!

Here are some things to look out for so you can stay mentally healthy as you navigate socials:

1. Seeing Everyone's Highlight Reels 📸

You know how social media is like everyone's greatest hits album? It can make us feel like our own lives don't quite measure up. The comparison game has GOT to go! Remember how your uniqueness is what makes you beautiful and that what you see online is far from the whole picture.

2. FOMO Strikes! 😅

Fear of missing out, anyone? Seeing friends having a blast without us can make us feel left out, lonely, or like we're not hitting the social scene hard enough. Remember, you don’t have to go out if you don’t want to! You have the right to snuggle up nice and early if that’s what you prefer.

3. Dealing with Cyberbullies 👹

Unfortunately, the online world isn't always rainbows and sunshine! Cyberbullying can happen and it can really stress us out and make us anxious. I try not to blame them entirely - anyone that’s bullying other people clearly has issues they need to understand and sort out for themselves. But that doesn’t mean we need to deal with it either! Block, report and send to spam y’all 👏

And, if someone you know is bullying you, try to sort it out offline so you can see each other’s faces and vulnerability as human beings. Most of the time, what happens online just would NOT happen IRL.

4. Chasing Likes and Validation 😍

Ever find yourself checking for likes or comments like it's a second job? Seeking validation on social media can mess with our self-esteem and self-worth. It’s way too easy to attach ourselves to how many likes we get but that’s NOT who we are.

So many factors go into whether people even see our posts aka the social media algorithms. Don’t take it personally if they don’t show your content. Nobody honestly knows how they work or why and, if anything, they don’t tell us on purpose because that keeps you guessing and coming back for more, trying to figure out how to get more than we had before… UGH!

5. Unreal Beauty Standards 💅

Filters and edits, OMG! Social media can throw some seriously unrealistic beauty standards our way. It's like scrolling through a magazine where everyone looks flawless. And by ‘flawless’ I mean according to society!

When we can go beyond what other people deem ‘beautiful’ and find the beauty in what most people might call ‘ugly’, that’s a powerful place to be!

6. Information Overloaddd 🙃

So much information, so little time! The constant flow on social media can stress us out, leaving us feeling overwhelmed and pressured to keep up. You don’t have to keep up with anyone or anything! Leave it a day, a week! The world’s gonna keep on spinning and, with a little bit of rest, you’ll be MUCH better placed to make life whatever you want it to be!

7. Sleep Woes 🫥

Late-night scrolling? We’ve all been there! But that blue light messes with our sleep, making it harder to catch those Z's. Shut off your device and settle into the calm of the night. I know it’s sometimes not easy to wind down so, if you’re struggling with sleep, try reading (yes, with an actual book so there’s no blue light!) or journaling to get the thoughts out.

8. Less Face Time, More Screen Time 🥺

Spending too much time online can mean less face-to-face hangouts. This can impact our social skills and the depth of our real-life connections. Yes, really! Science shows that our brain is less activated by a Zoom/Facetime than an in-person sesh. So, catch up in person where possible!

9. Digital Addiction Sneaks In 🤪

Social media can be addictive. Ever feel that compulsive need to check your notifications? It's like a digital itch that's hard to resist. Try to sit with that feeling, let it pass! Try to do something else instead, immerse yourself in a walk, music or something creative. Remember, you do NOT ‘have to’ check your notifications. I promise! And honey, if you ‘do’ then let’s tackle that because you DESERVE the power to choose exactly what you want to do with your life!

10. Online Harassment 🙅

Hate speech and nasty comments? Not cool. Similar to what we said about cyberbullying, dealing with general chatter online that’s super negative or mean, even if it’s directed at others, can bring on anxiety, fear, and a general sense of unease. Don’t let the trolls get you down!

11. Body Image Blues 😿

Social media can mess with how we see our bodies. Constantly comparing ourselves to those idealized images can lead to some serious self-hate and downright depressive tendencies. I know I go through periods where I can’t even look at myself.

I found out the other day that in Cuba, they didn’t used to have advertising because it was a communist country. So, people didn’t compare themselves to these super filtered images and now have wayyy lower rates of body image issues. Interesting, right? Let’s try to find the beauty in reality my loves. Our bodies do so much for us, so why not be grateful for being alive at all?!

Social media can be awesome, but it's all about finding that sweet spot! Setting some boundaries, taking breaks and keeping it real can help us make sure our mental wellbeing is always in check. 👌

Oh and don’t forget to prioritize real-world connections! If negative feelings come up, make sure to seek support from people around you and professionals. Let me know if there’s anything else you need!


George, Founder of How Mental


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