What’s the Mentally Healthiest Way to Lose Weight?

For some of us, weight loss is an important part of our mental health journey.

I’ve been through a lot of trauma when it comes my body, being told how I ‘should’ look and chastised for eating too much. This led me to do some ridiculous diets including one where I was only allowed to eat broccoli one day and oranges the next. Greattt 🙃

I did it because I was desperate and felt inadequate. I didn’t have much appreciation or love for myself at all…

Nowadays, thankfully, I have SO much more love for myself and I see weight loss as important for other reasons. For my body to function to the best of its ability. To fit in my clothes. To see myself fully when I look in the mirror.

So, if you feel me, I thought it would be a good idea to share the mentally healthiest ways to lose weight. Check ‘em out! 🥰

Real Talk on Goals 👌

Forget those crazy crash diets. How about setting goals like, "I'm gonna swap out one soda for water each day"? Small wins, big impact!

Eat Like a Rainbow (Not Skittles) 🌈

Veggies and fruits are like the superheroes of the food world. Instead of stressing about every calorie, let’s focus on adding more colors to our plate. Balance is important both when it comes to our minds and our bodies.

Portion Control y’all 🤓

Portion control isn't about weighing our food like a scientist. It's more like, "Hey, do I really need that second helping of fries?" Listen to your belly!

Water, Your BFF 💧

Water isn't just for the fancy health gurus or too simple to be worth thinking about. It's your secret weapon. No one needs those expensive detox drinks: Hydration is where it's at! Plus, sometimes thirst plays tricks on our stomachs so it’s important to stay on top of it #tagafriendtoremindthemtohydrate

Move It, Shake It, Enjoy It! 🕺

Hate the treadmill? Cool, don't use it! Find something you enjoy – maybe it's dancing in your living room or walking the dog. Exercise should feel more like a jam session than a punishment. Personally, I love to vary it up! Do a Barre class one day, Yoga the next, then maybe some Strength. Go with what you feel…

Make it easy for yourself 🤗

If we’re trying to lose weight but we keep buying chocolate, is that making our lives easier? Not really! Also, do you need to go to the gym? Why not try a fitness app or class on Youtube you can do from your home? Simplesss and good on the wallet! We don't have to have the willpower of a God, we just need to make sure we’re setting ourselves up the best way we can.

catch those zzz’s 😴

Sleep isn't just for beauty; it's for weight loss too. Skipping sleep messes with our hunger, and no one needs that! So, cozy up and get your beauty rest.

Chill While You Chew 😎

Mindful eating isn't about counting chews; it's about savouring that first bite of pizza or enjoying your grandma's lasagna. Ditch the distractions, slow down and taste the goodness. I mean, why wouldn’t we want to make the pleasure of our meal last as long as possible?

Build Habits That Stick 💪

Healthy habits aren't about turning your life upside down. It's more like finding joy in cooking a simple meal at home or making time for a short walk. Keep it real, keep it doable. And count your wins one day at a time! They say 2-weeks is a landmark point. A month too. Celebrate those wins when you reach them!

Stress Less, Snack less 😇

Stress eating is REAL! Personally, I can finish a whole box of cereal without even realising it when I’m stressed. While it feels alright in the moment, afterwards I feel sick! So, instead of diving into a bag of chips or scrounging the cupboards for whatever is lying around, let’s try a quick meditation or just step outside for some fresh air. Your sanity and waistline will thank you!

Nutrition Guru, Not Magician 🥕

A nutritionist won't pull a rabbit out of a hat, but they can help you figure out a meal plan that doesn't feel like punishment. Think of it as a food coach, NOT a food cop.

Get to know your body 👩‍⚕️

It’s so easy to think we all have the same needs, same portion sizes, same everything. But we DON’T because we don’t have the same bodies! Get to know your body, how it processes different types of food. You can even get some blood tests done to identity what foods work for you individually.

Friends Who Lift You Up 👫

We don't need a squad of fitness models on our side - we just need people who get it! Share wins, vent frustrations. Real friends will cheer us on, cellulite and all!!

Healthy Vibes, Not Scale Vibes ✨

Celebrate the wins that don't involve a scale. More energy? * High-five! * Better mood? * Fist bump! * Those are the real markers of success. Think about what other markers are important for you!

Slow Progress is Still Progress 🙏

I know this might sound annoying but weight loss is not a sprint: It's a marathon! It’s a journey, not a race. If we’re moving forward, even if it's at a snail's pace, we're still winning. We’re all about the sustainable lifestyle changes here!

accept the ebbs and flows 🤙

Let’s say you’re on holiday in Italy and you want to indulge in the local cuisine. Just because you’re trying to lose weight, it doesn’t mean you can’t make space for a bit of gelato! Know that weight loss, like everything, is a cycle. It has ups and downs. And, ultimately, we wouldn’t want it any other way because sometimes the gelato is EXACTLY what we need!

Find beauty in the present 😍

Sure, we might want to lose weight, but that doesn’t mean we can’t find beauty in who we are today! Accepting and loving ourselves for who we are and the journey we’ve been on through life so far is SO important. It helps us create a more peaceful mindset that makes it easier for us to achieve anything else we want in life. Remember: You are your #1 fan!

You’ll always be beautiful to me ✨

If weight loss for you has historically been about beauty or, even if it still is, I want you to know that you will always be beautiful to me!

Going forward, I hope that even if you take just one of these tips away with you today, it helps your mind and body align so you can achieve the weight loss you seek. And remember, you’re NOT alone in this. We got you boo 😘

If you’re not sure weight loss is really what you need, make sure you start there! Speak with a medical professional before getting into it.

With infinite love,

George, Founder of How Mental


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